[sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/090913.mp3″]
“Don’t be afraid if things seem difficult in the beginning. That’s only the initial impression. The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself.”
— Olga Korbut, Gymnast
「不要剛開始看起來困難就感到害怕,那只是初步的觀感,重要的是不放棄;你必須克服自己。」– 奧加‧柯布蒂 (體操選手)
- impression (n.) 印象,觀感。例:You must have left a good impression on her. (你一定在她心中留下了好印象。) retreat (v.) 撤退,向後退。master (v.) 掌握,克服。例:Bill has learned to master his fear of heights. (比爾學會克服他的懼高症。)
- 奧加‧柯布蒂 (1955-) 為前蘇聯體操選手,在 1972 與 1976 年的奧運中獲得 4 面金牌及 2 面銀牌。她在體操界的傑出表現鼓舞了許多年輕女子投入體操。